Deep Technology Laboratory
About Us
The DTL is launched as a Deep Tech center with focus on development & implementation of innovative products and processes.
The DTL includes staff & collaborators from various scientifical and technical areas of nanomedicine, nanomaterials, and nanoelectronics for Environment Protection (water, air, land), Health Care, Renewable Energy and Zero Energy Buildings.
Our Philosophy
Deep Tech is understood as technology that is based on cutting-edge scientific advances and discoveries, and is characterized by the need to stay at the Technological Forefront through constant interaction with new ideas and results from the Lab.
Since Scientific- Technological Progress (STP) is impossible without the implementation of Deep Tech innovative Technologies, the DeepTechLab sees the main tool of STP in stimulating and supporting the unique and creative principles of Scientific Technology and Innovation Association.
Our Mission
Supporting breakthrough scientific achievements through the formation and development of an innovative infrastructure, by creating a culture of innovative entrepreneurship and raising educational standards.
Our Advantages
- Availability of exclusive Products, Technologies and Inventions of cutting-edge Scientifical & Technical advances
- Increased capacity of knowledge transfer and of producing innovation at a higher TRL 5-6 (Technology Readiness Level)
Our targets

Stages of development to assess manufacturing readiness for our Deep Technologies
At Deep Tech Lab, one of our priorities is to introduce in the market innovative products that solve engineering challenges with cutting-edge technologies. Because of this, our team is working on the development of different state-of-the-art prototypes and its patents within different areas of scientific research, whether individually or with our partners.